Mikki and Dolly the dog at a creek

Are you ready to make a comeback and reclaim your health and wellness, strength, power, and confidence that lies within you?

Do you want a healthy lifestyle with a non-contact, non-competitive sport, and a full-body workout?

What about being part of a team in a safe, supportive, small group with personal attention?

Interested in learning and experiencing something new and FUN?

Welcome to Pink Gloves Boxing!!!
also known as PGB

So, what is PGB?

PGB is a non-contact, non-competitive, full-body workout designed just for women.

PGB is safe and fun and will bring out the champion that is inside each of you.

No matter your age, your fitness level, or your experience, all are encouraged and welcome to join in the fun.

Come join me and know that you will have a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment after every session!

Mikki Proffitt Pink Gloves Boxing<br />

Hi, I’m Mikki Proffitt!

I have been a fitness trainer and instructor for over 3 decades and I am SO excited to bring Pink Glove Boxing (PGB) to you.

I have taught PGB to a wide range of women, from teen girls, to women who never in their wildest dreams would have imagined or even considered something like PGB. But I’m here to tell you… 

…Once she puts those gloves on, something magic happens. Every. Single. Time. 

I can hardly wait for you to experience the feeling and magic of tapping into the champion inside of you!

Already taken Tier 1?

You’re going to love the Tier 2 workouts.  They won’t be easy, but they will be worth it…and FUN!

Get ready to experience an advanced and new style of focus mitts (catching) along with an invigoratingly intense body circuit.

Tools of empowerment in PGB

Fitness would be fun.  PGB is something you want to do instead of something you have to do.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. You’re part of a community of encouraging, friendly, and like-minded women of all ages, abilities, and strengths.

The Goal-getting process and the PGB Tier System give you the direction and motivation to accomplish your fitness goals.


Once a week, I write about something important on the journey of recovery, followed by a question for you to explore those deeper parts of yourself and your heart.


Don’t allow your mind to tell your heart what to do, it gives up easily.

Thank you for joining Heart Speak!