Client Love


Mikki is the first person I called when my daughter relapsed. Her perspective takes into account 33 years of experience working in the field of addiction and recovery. Mikki hit the pause button and reframed the crisis as a traumatic event that required strength, compassion, and action. What felt hopeless became hope-filled because she knew the steps to take and her expertise was a bright light shining on what changes to make.

Relapse puts everyone in the family at risk of circling the drain of fear. My decision to ask for Mikki’s intervention kept us moving forward and healing through the process. Mikki coached my family so we could rebuild trust and create new boundaries. Hope without actionable steps, isn’t a strategy. Call Mikki to make a plan and heal.

–Emily Seattle, WA.

After hearing about EFT work (Emotional Freedom Techniques/Tapping), I knew that I still had unresolved issues, due to trauma in my life, and I wanted to work them out. I wanted to go deeper but I was tired of “shopping” for yet another therapist.

As a therapist, I have high expectations when I reach out for my own help. I feel very fortunate to have met Mikki, several years ago, and began working with her shortly after that.

I can honestly say that Mikki is one of the most empathic and understanding people I have ever come across. Because of her empathy and her desire to understand, I always know that I am safe with her when I am sharing the parts of myself that I fear sharing the most.

She has a deep understanding of addiction, trauma, family systems, and the list goes on. 

I am so convinced that EFT is the most effective therapeutic model for trauma work, that I have decided to continue my own education and practice using EFT.

–John D.


Once a week, I write about something important on the journey of recovery, followed by a question for you to explore those deeper parts of yourself and your heart.


Don’t allow your mind to tell your heart what to do, it gives up easily.

Thank you for joining Heart Speak!