Change your breath. Change your emotions. Change your life.

Breathe with Mikki
Mikki Proffitt

Change your breath. Change your emotions. Change your life.

Breathe with Mikki
Mikki Proffitt
Mikki Proffitt

Change your breath. Change your emotions. Change your life.

Breathe with Mikki

It’s true that our emotions and traumas are stored in our nervous system and that we all have “stuff.”

What most of us don’t realize is that we’ve been storing it (pushing it down) in our bodies, year after year, layer upon layer. I know that sounds a bit grim, but it’s true!

What if I told you that there is a breathing technique that will clear out all of this stored negative emotional baggage from your body? Not only that, but you will feel the release happen in the very first session. The results afterward will be undeniable.

As someone who has suffered from anxiety and depression my entire life, I want to share with you the benefits I experienced in my first session and continue to experience through my Breathwork practice. I consider this to be a miracle, my miracle.


Breathwork has been a life-changing process for me! At the beginning of each breathwork session, Mikki has us set an intention and then we let it go. Recently, at one of the breathwork sessions, I set an intention to forgive myself for believing for so long the lie that I am unworthy, which had led to an almost hatred of my body.


Breathwork has allowed me to release old, limiting beliefs that have kept me stuck in old patterns of low self-worth. It’s only up from here!

Rebecca Becker

Accredited, Certified EFT Practitioner

How do you want to experience Breathwork?

Breathwork – Live & Online

Join us on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month

Group Classes held via Zoom

march sessions

Private Breathwork Sessions

Reach out to Mikki for local
In-Person sessions before scheduling.

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the class today. It was amazing and you are amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Mikki’s breathwork has helped me work through so much of the grief, self-doubt, anger, and sadness that I was carrying around every day. She has guided me through feeling, honoring, and releasing those emotions that have been stuck inside for so long. I have always felt so safe and supported in the healing space that she creates in her sessions. Mikki has really shown me how healing our breath can be. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today if not for Mikki and her incredible work!

Syd M

Coaching Client

My Personal Experience with Breathwork

Profound immediate stress release

Almost everyone experiences a huge stress relief immediately after doing this Breathwork technique. This is what most people come looking for and it’s exactly what they get. Rarely does something deliver so well as this. For me, I had immediate clarity, the release of decades of stuck emotion, and felt more connected and freer within myself than I had ever known possible. I had no idea because I’d never experienced this before.

Helps with depression and anxiety

It’s been said that depression is about being stuck in the past and anxiety is about worrying about the future. Breathwork puts you right in the moment like nothing I’ve ever experienced and clears out that depression and anxiety. I continue to feel lighter, and freer, and experience joy, gratitude, and love of life like I’ve never known before. I want the same for you.

Releases trauma and fear

I personally released more of my childhood trauma within the first two months of doing Breathwork than in 30 years of therapy. No joke! I could feel it leaving my body, my heart, and my mind. Increased self-love

to me, is actually the biggest benefit of Breathwork because when you start to have more self-love, everything in your entire life changes. We all know we need to love ourselves but most of us have no clue. Practicing breathwork and showing up for yourself by doing the uncomfortable work, is true self-love. Life begins to shift and miracles begin to happen.

Increased self-esteem and confidence

The number one regret people have on their deathbed Is that they wish they didn’t care so much what other people thought about them during their lifetime. I know I’ve certainly struggled with this, especially when it came to family. One of the biggest things I’ve gotten from (Breathwork) is a reclamation of my personal power, purpose, and peace no matter what others choose to do or not do in and with their life.


There are many more benefits than I have listed here, and you will only discover them if you actually start doing (Breathwork) on a regular basis. If you want to change in some way or some area of your life, this is the best tool I’ve ever found to create change. If you want something different, you’ve got to do something different. The more you do breathwork and start to use it for different areas of your life you will see that you can transform your entire life with this incredible Breathwork practice. But as I always say – don’t take my word for it, do it and find out for yourself.

Breathwork has so many benefits that I am hesitant to share them all here because it might sound like it’s too good to be true – especially for people who have never experienced it before. I understand that some people are reluctant to believe that something they have already been doing their whole life (breathing) could suddenly have such a huge impact on the areas that they have been struggling with, yet our breath is the first thing we do when we enter this world and the last thing we do as we leave this world.  Why wouldn’t it also be the most powerful healer and transformer in our lives? 

When I attended my first breathwork session with John Paul Crimi, I had no expectations other than having a nice evening. little did I know that my life would radically change that evening. My reaction after my very first breathwork session was like nothing I had ever experienced before. After decades of my own healing journey in one session, I experienced the most profound and undeniable shift I’ve ever known.  I had released stuck emotions that I didn’t even know still existed.  I felt lighter, empty in a good way, my all too familiar sadness was less and I felt alive.

As a result of that one evening, I  knew that I had to become a certified breathwork facilitator in order to provide the same opportunity for profound healing and transformation for all of my clients.  I felt like I had been preparing my whole life to be in that moment so I could bring it to you.  

Today I am a certified Breathwork Facilitator, trained by the world-renowned John Paul Crimi. I am humbled and honored that I was guided to this teacher and this breathwork on that life-changing night. 

Private Breathwork Sessions

We all want change, we all want to feel better, without exception.

The question is are you willing to do the work? Most people aren’t, just saying!

Remember you can’t solve a problem the same way it was created and only by taking uncomfortable action which means,  getting out of your comfort zone, stop arguing for your limitations can true change happen.

Here’s your chance to do something different and create the change that you desire and you definitely deserve all in  one breathwork session.  WHAT!!!

woman breaking free of chains

Here’s how it works:

Each Private Breathwork session is carefully, mindfully and collaboratively created to meet the  unique needs of each person.  

  • Your safety is of the utmost importance and top priority.
  • You will be met right where you are in this present moment. 
  • Your unique and specific needs, intentions, and desired outcome will be incorporated throughout the entire breathwork session.

During your session, I will be with you every step of the way where you will be safely guided into those deep places that have held you back and are no longer serving you.

  • Limiting beliefs, old patterns, bad habits.
  • Stuck emotions such as;  anger, sadness, regret, resentment, self-doubt, etc.
  • Stored traumas, old stories.

Through the use of your breath you will be guided into the part of your nervous system where all of those unhealed, inaccessible parts of yourself have been stored, accumulated and that you have been carrying around for way too long!

Here you will experience a shift, a release, which just might be the most profound experience you’ve ever had.

Why Individual Breathwork

Because your time is now and tomorrow is not guaranteed!

You are here to love your life, shine your light, and thrive by taking the steps that lead to being fully alive.  It’s time to remember who you are, reclaim your purpose, and reignite your passion.


Each Session Includes:

  1. 1-30 minute Discovery Session (virtual)

Here we will get specific and personal talking about your unique goals, intentions, and how to prepare for your upcoming session.

  1. 1-90 minute Private Breathwork Session

Online or in-person depending on your location

  1. 1-20 minute debrief to wrap your session up.


What you may experience:

  • A deeper connection with yourself
  • A greater release of stuck emotions
  •  Ability to manifest greater abundance
  •  Deep healing of wounds, grief, and traumas
  •  Access to expanded states of consciousness, including higher guidance and clarity
  •  Release of toxins from the cells of the body
  •  Massive stress and anxiety release and relief.
  •  Greater self-love and more loving relationships
  •  Emotional Balance
  • Relief from physical pain
  •  Increased connection to your Highest Self, God, Spirit, etc.
  •  Deep inner peace

I know your first reaction is probably what the heck, how is this possible.  You might even be saying “NO WAY” But I’m telling you all of this is possible and more, all you have to do is show up and breathe!  Your breath will do the rest.



I sit with women everyday who tell me why they can’t live their best life and continue to argue for their limitations.

Here are the most common reasons and excuses

  • I’m afraid of: making mistakes,of being alone, rejection, failure, heartbreak.
  • I don’t have enough: time, money, energy, experience, training/education
  • I feel responsible for: their sobriety, health and wellbeing, comfort, provision.
  • What if: I’m alone, I don’t succeed, it hurts, I am uncomfortable.
  • That costs:  too much money, time, energy, uncertainty


And at the same time I hear things like:  

  • I’m willing to cut off my right leg to feel better.  True statement!!!
  • I will do whatever it takes
  • I can’t do this or take this anymore


How Breathwork can affect you

Profound immediate stress release
Helps with depression and anxiety
Release toxins from your body
Increases energy
Boosts immune system
Helps with the digestion process
Releases trauma and fear
Increases self-love
Eliminates chronic pain
Improves sleep
Increase self-esteem and confidence
Explore altered states of consciousness
Strengthen your lungs
Resets your day like nothing else

One of the things you should know is that Breathwork is different for everybody, and it’s different every time you practice, so the results and benefits vary greatly.

There are many more benefits than I have listed here, and you will only discover them if you actually start doing (Breathwork) on a regular basis. If you want to change in some way or some area of your life, this is the best tool I’ve ever found to create change. If you want something different, do something different. The more you do breathwork and start to use it for different areas of your life. You will see that you can transform your entire life with this incredible Breathwork practice. But as I always say – don’t take my word for it, do it and find out for yourself.

Once a week, I write about something important on the journey of recovery, followed by a question for you to explore those deeper parts of yourself and your heart.


Don’t allow your mind to tell your heart what to do, it gives up easily.

Thank you for joining Heart Speak!